Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Empire and Allies guide to resources – Coins, Wood, Oil and Ores

Advancing in Empires and Allies is not as easy as it may seem. Resources are of utmost importance in Empires and Allies as you cannot build military units, buildings, battle or level up without them. There are many different resources and acquiring them as well as understanding them is your key to success. Coins, Wood, Oil and Ore are the main resources of Empires and Allies.


This resource is very important and without them you are helpless. Almost every building and all units will cost you coins. Coins will allow you to construct buildings that will help you gather other resources needed for the further development of your empire. Coins can be collected from daily bonuses, by winning battles, completing your goals, by collecting them from your building regularly and by visiting and helping your friends and their empires.


Wood is the second resource that you will have to worry about. This resource is needed to create buildings and decorations. One of the buildings that requires Wood is the Oil Well which will in return provide you with a stable source of Oil. Wood can be acquired in several ways:
-    Clearing trees in your empire (you will gain 1 Wood for a bush and up to 10 Wood for a tree.)
-    Purchasing them on the market place of one of your neighbors
-    Gift from a friend
-    Completing quests
-    Starting a contract with your Lumber Mill
The Lumber Mill will provide you with a steady production of Wood so build it as soon as you can.


In order to win advanced battles you will need to create advance Air, Ground and Navy units. These units require Oil. Oil is acquired from Oil Wells  which will provide you with stable production of Oil if you start a contract with them.


Building advanced buildings and military units will require Ore. This resource is probably the most difficult to obtain. In order to acquire a stable production of Ore you will have to buy Ore mines. There are four different colors of Ore in the game. You will be assigned to one of them when you start playing this game. In order to get a steady amount of all ores you’ll have to do some trading etc. and gather ore in combat and by invading because of this
Ways of acquiring Ore in Empires and Allies:
-    Critical Kill or Critical Hit combat drops
-    Winning battles
-    Asking your friends to send you your color of the Ore
-    Buying them from the market.

Without these resources you can’t progress in Empires and Allies. Coins will help you get more Wood, and with Wood and Coins you can obtain Oil. With Oil, Coins and Wood you craft buildings and units that will allow you to gain more resources and ultimately Ore.

However, if you really want to master this game you should always consider getting the Empires and Allies Domination guide which will teach you how to truly master this game and reveal all the secrets behind the most successful players in Empires and Allies.

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