Saturday, July 16, 2011

Empires and Allies - Using your timing correctly

When generating your own coins, wood, oil or ore - you need to consider timing. In the early stages of the game when you are relatively energy-rich (because you need fewer XP to level up and replenish your energy) but resource poor and need to expand quickly then you are better off down the lower production end of the scale because here you will enjoy the biggest yields per unit of time.

Later on, your energy becomes scarce and you want to use it mostly for fighting because this is where it is best spent. When this happens, you want go for the higher production options. You'll have to wait longer but you won't have to "harvest" as much which always takes a unit of energy. Also, there is some minimal cost saving but it is insignificant.

1 comment:

  1. I think it depends. I mean level 1-6 for me was "make 35 farms", and do basic goals. This way, after I planted 4 hour crops and harvested, I got to level 7, and had enough $ for the basic items (wood for better homes, and oil for weapons. i then created 15 more farms, and planted 24h farms. I now knew I'd have the $ to buy my wood n oil... I created 25 ore 1's. and doing 24h there i received 275 ore/day.. which gave me weapons/homes/ect.
